Monday, August 3, 2009

Nature's Gate Haircare

Nature's Gate haircare is both animal byproduct and alcohol free, alhamdulillah (this information can be found on the bottle too)

I bought a set of the shampoo and conditioner yesterday and used it for the first time today. My hair is definitely a bit softer than it was before, so hopefully this shampoo is a keeper! My body and hair tends to get used to things very quickly, but hopefully it won't get used to this set inshaAllah. It had a very faint, fresh, and natural smell to it.. which I really like. I don't like those neon colored shampoos that have really strong smells, this is one was really nice mashaAllah.

After checking out their website, I see they carry a line of organic products too as well as oral care, body care, and more products. I paid less than $11 for both the shampoo and conditioner, online it's a big more expensive though. Check around at your local store for it. I found it sitting in a corner with some other animal byproduct free shampoos. However, some of them shot up to even $30+ per bottle! Yikes!N


  1. I really like this brand. I have tried a few and was not pleased with it but it smells so modest and lush alhamdulilah

  2. I used to use this brand when I switched to natural products. I loved the Henna one! The reason I stopped using it is because it has SLS - which causes cancer.. so on the label you will see "sodium lauryl sulfate"


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