Sunday, March 22, 2009

V8 Juices

V8 juices are all halal and vegan even. They have 3 different types (V8 Splash, V8 Juice, & V8 V-Fusion) with several flavors, all of which are permissible inshaAllah.


  1. Check when you go to the store. It doesn't matter though. Just because it's kosher doesn't mean it is halal.

  2. I haven't seen the kosher sign on it but maybe I'm wrong. Some food items are indeed kosher, but have never had a group/union come and actually check and approve of it with a stamp on their products.

  3. subhanAllah, so theres a lot of things out there that I can eat but just dont have the kosher sign on it! omg I thought they all the food that was kosher had it on there ahhh!

    Basma, can you explain to me how something kosher isnt halal? jazkahAllah Khair sis.

  4. Well, one this is wine is kosher, and most definitely not halal. So something may contain wine or alcohol and would be marked kosher and isn't halal. Also their laws for seafood is different from ours. There are different 'levels' of kosher too and some koshercompanies let some things slide or aren't as religious as others.

  5. I love the V8 Splashes drinks. So yummy.

  6. This was what customer service told me through an email, Campbells sent me a list of all their verified halal/vegan products. Maybe that is old information or perhaps the process used to make the juice is different in Canada. I can double check. I usually confirm a few times the halal status just to be really sure, I checked twice but just to be on the safe side... Also another thing could be that the juice is not cerfitied kosher (from my knowledge at least) and so maybe they deemed it haram just because of that without looking into it... I don't really know...

  7. I'm a Kosher consumer and I very much sympathize with the process on this...looking for a symbol, calling companies, etc.

    I will tell you what I know. As of this writing, regular, small V8 juice (the original version, sold in drugstores and the like) is under the supervision of this Kosher agency:

    You are very right though about levels. There are many 'Kosher' certifying organizations that use very, very lax standards. You may want to check their sites and do some research.

    Good luck in your Halal quest!

  8. aslamu alykum!
    i called up the consumer line for cambels products and the customer service person on the line was scetchy and did not alert me of the processing of this juice!! (most apple juice brands have an extraction process which contains beef or pork gelitin tanins). these silly customer reps know nothing about their company. she did not even tell me that it was suitable for vegetarians. i would no trust the v8 juice.

    btw i live in nz, and the v8 juice that is in nz is imported.


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!