Monday, March 30, 2009

Tom's of Maine (Toothpaste, Deodorant, Mouthwash, Soaps)

Tom's of Maine's products are animal ingredient free and also alcohol free alhamdulillah. My parent's have been using their mouthwash for years and I swear my dad woke up with fresh breath... okay sorta... but my point is it's good, strong stuff....... and halal too! Wippie!

"Our support of non-animal-testing models also includes the belief that we don’t need to use animal ingredients to create effective products. Just one example: glycerin, used in toothpastes and soaps, is often made from animal ingredients, but ours is vegetable-based." Taken from here.

"Because of health concerns, we do not use alcohol in our products..." Taken from the FAQ section.

Check out their website to get familiar with some of their products!


  1. In my effort to find hygiene products that are free of animal derived ingredients, i've been trying lots of different products. They're toothpaste is okay, not minty enough for me. I like the body wash and soap a lot! Unfortunately, I haven't seen the mouthwash anywhere near me.

  2. Ohhhh my friend uses this mouthwash! It's very good and I love that it isn't all colorful like other mouthwashes. Their toothpaste I like. The other ones are over minty so maybe for some that is why this one doesn''t seem to be enough so. But I will have to try their deodorant and soap, I never did I will have to look out for them! Thanks so much for the reassurance, I will go ahead and buy it myself now (I tried it when I slept over my friends house)

  3. ok this brand cant find in singapore. I wish we have more of such stuff. smell nice is important. haha.

  4. This is excellent news!!! I've seen this at the market but never picked it up but I am very sensitive with toothpastes and something all natural and alcohol free should work well for me insha Allah! Thanks so much for getting this information!

  5. Finally, halal bar soap! I need to find this!

  6. Also try Lush handmade cosmetics. Pretty good stuff. Numerous vegan which I would think would qualify.


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