Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Philadelphia Cream Cheese & Neufchatel Cheese

Nothing beats this stuff, thank Allah it's halal!

Hi Lazeena,

Soft cheeses utilize another method of coagulating milk by the growth of pure cultures of bacteria in the milk and the development of lactic acid.

Our cream cheese products such as PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream Cheese and Light PHILADELPHIA BRAND Neufchatel Cheese fall into this category.


Associate Director,
Consumer Relations


  1. phewwwwwwwwwwwww you had me nervous! i cant go a day w/o cream cheese hahah

    btw i've been following this blog for a while and never commented, i didnt know i could even though i didnt have a blog or a gmail address, but thnks a lot for all your hard work. i keep a nice list of all this info! thanks again sis

  2. asalaam walikum so it has the kosher sign on it right???

  3. yes it says K DAIRY on the bottom you can see in the picture

  4. what about the mono & diglycerides in it ??? are they from plant extract or animal???

  5. what about whey in philadelphia cream cheese? does this still make the product halal?

  6. have u contacted them about how do they make the whey

  7. i just called the company and she said that they can not know if whey was made with animal enzymes or not

  8. Assalamu alaikum

    Got this from


    As-salamun alaykum, I live in Canada. The Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese here has an ingredient listed as "milk ingredients". I know this cheese is listed as halal everywhere, but has any one checked on what this ingredient is? It could be whey. I contacted Kraft but tthey said that ingredient information is currently unavailable. Do you know anything about what this ingredient is? PEACE - Anonymous user

    Assalam O Alaikum If the Philadelphia Cream cheese has circle K or COR kosher symbol on the package then whey is Halal. Whey is the by-product of cheese making. If the cheese is made with Halal rennet, enzymes, starter culture bacteria and starter culture media then the cheese will be Halal and whey will be Halal. Whey is liquid left over after milk became curd.

  9. Milk,cream,salt,thickener( e40 )starter culture r the ingredients of philadelphia cream


  10. Milk,cream,salt,thickener( e40 )starter culture r the ingredients of philadelphia cream

    Cheese. Is tht halal pls let me know urgent.

  11. Yes. Please confirmed it wheter it halal or not

  12. It has MK sign based on that we can rely that it doesn't have animal derived substance

    Rest Allah knows better. Please forgive me if i am wrong i just searched on google and found the meaning of MK sign in the packing

    Dairy: All foods derived from, or containing, milk or dairy products are considered Chalav (Hebrew) or Milchig (Yiddish). The milk may not come from a non-kosher animal nor contain animal derived substance. Any pasteurized dairy must also have been processed on kosher equipment that has not been in contact with meat or animal bi-products in any way. Kosher organizations may give products the dairy status in certification, though the products may not evidently be so; this is either because the products have been processed on dairy equipment, or they may contain ingredients derived from dairy.

  13. It has MK sign based on that we can rely that it doesn't have animal derived substance

    Rest Allah knows better. Please forgive me if i am wrong i just searched on google and found the meaning of MK sign in the packing

    Dairy: All foods derived from, or containing, milk or dairy products are considered Chalav (Hebrew) or Milchig (Yiddish). The milk may not come from a non-kosher animal nor contain animal derived substance. Any pasteurized dairy must also have been processed on kosher equipment that has not been in contact with meat or animal bi-products in any way. Kosher organizations may give products the dairy status in certification, though the products may not evidently be so; this is either because the products have been processed on dairy equipment, or they may contain ingredients derived from dairy.

  14. Your reply is not related to the topic in this issue. They are not discussing religions or the presence or absence of God. That is a personal issue. They are discussing if a food is halal or not. Have respect to the discussion.

  15. Thanks for all the feedback. Very useful. Bless you all.

  16. Everything God has forbidden is harmful for people and everything that is permissible is a benefit

    Allah said, in the Quran.. He does not will to put you into difficulty but he wishes to purify you.. You direct you to the best way a person could live

    Every thing on the earth is permissible for us except that wich poses as a danger

    Allah has raised us above the animals.. To know what is benefit and what is harmful

    The animals eat.. Drink.. Fornicate as they like without a care.. They are built to follow desires

    But God has willed humans to be above this.. To restrain our selves to utilise only what is good pure and beneficial

    And if this is your happiness.. To eat up from this earth with out a care or a thought for the one who provides.. Protects.. And sustains you in every aspect of your life

    Than know that this life is only an enjoyment for a short time.. And it will end.. You are chasing duniya.. A fleeting shadow..

    And all things are unenviably going to end and return to the Creator of all existence...

    Wether wish to you belive it or not .. It does not change this fact.. That you are living your happy free life in utter ingratitude and heedlessness

    And if you continue with this attitude than islam is not in need of you.. And one day.. You will come to know that you were indeed in dire need of your Islam.. For this freedom you love will not last for ever.

  17. Now got Malaysian Halal cream cheese, Bromme.


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!