Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats

This products DOES contain beef gelatin, as stated by Kellogg's on their websites FAQ section.

  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Little Bites Chocolate
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Little Bites Honey Nut
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Big Bite
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Bite Size
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Blueberry Muffin
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Cinnamon Streusel
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Maple & Brown Sugar
  • Frosted Mini-Wheats® Strawberry Delight

The only HALAL one is the UNFROSTED variety.


  1. just get the store brand, they dont have gelatin lolz taste the same

  2. guess i paid $3.99 for nothing -- so sad these are beef-derived!!! :((

  3. awwwww.... they taste sooooooooo gooood!!!!

  4. Life is too short - really! if you like it, EAT IT! It is not going to make any difference to anything in your life...honestly! I won't eat pork, but this whole halal vs non-halal is completely non-sensical, in my honest opinion. Lighten up people!

  5. Oh yea, life is short, but the afterlife is not. Think about it. :)

  6. Irs beef derived! It is permissable. Halal is just recommended, but i'm sure many of us here have eaten mcdonalds, or an all beef hotdog, or beef gelatin anything! It doesn't have to be halal, as long as there is no pork!

  7. The Quran clearly states, "And do not eat of that on which Allāh's name has not been mentioned." (6: 122). Where's your proof?

  8. The Quran clearly states, "And do not eat of that on which Allāh's name has not been mentioned." (6: 122). So, where's your proof?

  9. The Quran clearly states, "And do not eat of that on which Allāh's name has not been mentioned." (6: 122). So, where's your proof?

  10. Anonymous just one word to say to you go get a life. if you don't know about the islam them say anything.

  11. They say beed but the same factory also produces pork gelatin. You sure its not coming in contact with that filthy stuff? If you know it then dont eat it. Avoid certain cooked beans too. As they are cooked in pork gravy to add flavor.

  12. To the author of this blog, which madhab and which scholar(s) are you referencing for this blog?


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!