Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish

Here's an email I got from Pepperidge Farm regarding their Cheddar Cheese Goldfish snacks. I'm still waiting on a response regarding the other flavor fish shaped snacks they produce.

The source of cheese enzymes in our Cheddar Cheese Goldfish is beef

Short, not-so sweet, and to the point. I don't know what other proof people need. A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them they're animal by-products in the,. This is the 3rd email I've sent them in the past 5 years and it's always the same response.


  1. OH :O ~ Are you serious sis? These are THE GOLDFISH? can you show the package of which ones you mean? I totally didn't know :( ~ You are so awsome sis for finding this stuff out for us! Jazak Allah Khair soooo many many thanx for your efforts - always~

  2. I remember a sister told me this like 6 years ago, I was in total denial.. like seriously. Then I learned most cheddar flavored products contain the same ingredients =( They're Pepperidge Farm, there's like a little cottage as the logo, their jingle is ' the snack the smiles back' lol. I'll try and find a picture of the package and post it up too

  3. Is Anchor Vegetarian cheese available there? , its made using non-animal rennet, also theres Edam vegetarian cheese by Mainland

  4. Really? I've never heard of these brands, what area do you live in? Im in the tristate area, I'll have to keep an eye out for those.

  5. I'm in Jamaica in the Caribbean, we get those brands here, I just assumed they may be available in the USA too, the Anchor one is made in New Zealand, I dont remember where the Edam one is made though.

  6. Ohh what about the regular goldfish sis - like the original ones are they haram too? or jsut the cheeze oens?

  7. what about bio food is it halal cause they say there is no animal ingrediendts in bio nutrition

  8. Annie's brand Bunny Cheddar's enzyme come from non-animal source. At least that's what they told me last 2 weeks when I called them.

  9. WOW o.o i was JUST eating goldfish and i remembered my dad telling me to check if there is a U or a K labeled on it and it didnt say it....i googled it and found THIS online and i quickly brushed my teeth and THREW IT OUT b4 my other sisters can eat it... thank you sooo much for posting this and letting me know! :)

  10. Wait, How is it haram if it says beef? Its surely not pig...right?

  11. if u read the first post like she said......... depending what u follow the beef derived ingredients r just as haram

  12. Jazakallahfor the info, but if it says MILK INGREDIANTS on the ingrediants, is'nt it halal. I'm not saying its not halal but i'm just curios. Because maybe the source used for the cheese is milk?


  13. Just wanted to tell every one that Goldfish contains enzyme which come from non zabiha halal beef. That means it comes from unislamic slaughter of cows which is haram. Zabiha is the method of slaughter. Chicken is Zabiha halal which means they slaughter it the same way islamically. Hope this helps

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The Companions ate cheese from Magians, meaning animals not slaughtered in the manner of dhabih. This is well known in our literature. Some Companions like Umar, it is narrated, simply said Bismillah. Salman al Farsi is also reported to have done it.

    Cheese is produced from rennet, from the liquid of the stomach, and isn't meat. Just as one can drink milk from a cow, one can eat cheese produced from its rennet.

  16. Slmz. Is this goldfish that is haram only the chedder flavor or as well as the original. Jzk.

  17. Assalamu Alaikum,

    I would like to point out that beef gelatin is not haram even if we're certain it comes from non zabihah meat. Non zabihah meat is forbidden due to the fact that blood stays inside the body of the slaughtered animal. Gelatin is extracted from the bones not the meat, and since the bones have no blood, it is halal for us to consume. This is what I personally believe. My point is, don't take what people say for granted; research it yourself. Lazeena here is doing us a great favor and saving us the effort of contacting the manufacturing companies ourselves, may Allah reward her for that. But notice that she doesn't say in her posts whether the product is halal or haram, unless it is obvious(such as a product containing pork etc). She also explained to us what ingredients she avoids and why. Thanks to Lazeena, you know the sources of ingredients. You are the now who should research, ask and find out whether it is halal or haram. You don't know, maybe you're depriving yourself of something you can have, or consuming something you shouldn't be, based on what some person said.

  18. Salaam to sister Aysha who posted on May 28, 2014. About beef gelatin and it coming from bones and it being halaal because its not in contact with the blood. You are somewhat correct but that only applies to the milk sack ingredients like rennet, or whey. I asked a scholar and he said that stuff from the bones is haram and only the milk sack ingredients are ok.

  19. Sister thank you cause my kids have been eating it since when they were like 6 and know they are 10

  20. August 16 2016
    Hi sisters, I just got off the line with an associate at pepperidge farms, the company that owns goldfish crackers. I asked if the enzymes listed in their ingredients was derived from a plant source or animal source, to which I got the reply that it is microbial enzymes meaning no animal product in this ingredient. So we are good to go :)

  21. Assalamualaikum

    My kids had been asking about goldfish and I was not too sure to give them or not as I had always had mixed reviews so finally to day I decided to call them up myself.
    Just got off the line with an associate at Pepperidge farms and she confirmed me that that the enzymes used in the crackers are microbial. I understood what she said in the first place but just to make sure I asked her ‘ so there are no animal products added in any form?” And she said there are no animal byproducts in them.
    Further I asked her about the other flavors as well and most of them had the same. That is no animal product in them.
    So Worry not and let your kids enjoy!!

  22. Yes alhamdulillah all the "funny" ingredients have been confirmed as halal now according to the application scan halal.No need to worry Muslims! there are no animal by-products and the enzymes are microbial and the other ingredients are either microbial or plant-derived.

    1. Oops I meant to say there is no animal instead of saying there are no animal by-products.

  23. I thought this as well.

    But just noticed the canadian website shows microbial enzymes for cheese. However the USA site does not show this.....


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!