Saturday, July 25, 2009

Mystery Animal Source in Cheetos

Hi Lazeena,

Thank you for writing to us.
The list on our website is a list of products that DO NOT contain pork. The enzyme used to make the cheese used in Cheetos Crunchy is from an animal source, but not pork.

Most cheese is made using animal enzymes animal. The source of the enzyme lends to the flavor of the cheese.

We consider you a valued consumer and hope you will continue to enjoy snacks from Frito-Lay.

Best regards,

Frito-Lay Consumer Affairs

This is not the first time Cheetos has told me about 'other animal ingredients' in their Cheetos. In 2 previous e-mails they've told me the same exact thing. Also, whenever I inquire about what specific animal they tell me 'not pork' or 'if you have any allergies or religious dietary restrictions please avoid eating Cheetos'


  1. In my class at the masjid we were talking about the haram and halal of things.... its very confusing when it comes to things like cheetoes... so what is your thought on this? If its not pork but its another animal enzyme.. like beef... do we eat it or not?

  2. So many people think I am lying when I tell them Cheetos are haraam!

    Jamilah she says to check her first post before you leave those comments sister

  3. I'm sorry Mariyam, I don't know what you mean... I was just asking an opinion.. nothing to get upset about...

  4. Ok, now I see it.. .I'm sorry. I don't always read those little things about the comment box...

  5. Yeah I think this blog is for more mainstream people who follow zabiha only, even in gelatin, enzyme and rennet additives. There are other views, but this is the most supported one by the scholars and more taken by different groups as well. This is an excellent blog. I am sure people who follow other opinions have come here trying to start trouble but alhamdulilah it looks like it hasn't that much. This blog is really helpful I am going to print some of these out and hang them inside of my Masjid inshaa Allah for other brothers and sisters to benefit from. They can take the information or leave it, but our job is done as far as getting word out to others and we will not be accountable inshaa Allah.
    Wasalam alaykum

  6. Asalamu alaykum,

    I tagged you sis on my blog. Love reading yours and its a fun way of getting to know different bloggers.

    By the way, one question, is spirit vinegar halal?



  8. As salaamualaikum

    Here in the UAE, the Cheetos Crunchy we get are made in Saudi by the 'Saudi Snack Food Association' The ingredients read as follows:

    Corn Grits, Pure Vegetable Oils (Sun flower, Palm Olein), Hot Chili Natural & Nature Identical Flavor, Natural Colors (Curcumin E100 & Annatoo E160b), Artificial Color (Allura Red E129).

    Does that make em 'safe'????

  9. safe or not huh huh answer

  10. In rich countrys such as canada or usa the chadder cheese they use is haraam and chadder cheese is one of the most basic ingredients they use.



As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!