Sunday, March 1, 2009

Smartfood: White Cheddar Popcorn

Ah, how I miss thee!

Dear Lazeena:

We are pleased to respond to your recent inquiry concerning pork-related ingredients used in some of our seasoned products.

While some Frito-Lay snacks do contain enzymes from porcine sources, many do not.

Smartfood has animal enzymes in the cheese.


Consumer Affairs


  1. ACH! Could you do a check on Orville Reddenbacher's various types of Microwave popcorns? Now THAT will break my heart if they are haram.

  2. duh its haram lmao

  3. @ Anon., why are you saying duh it's haram like that? it comes across as very rude and i hope you didnt mean it that way. very unislamic behavior if you did.

  4. pie i meant it as a joke so plz calm down. i mean if you read the post the answer is rite there whats the problem. sorry if u were offended by my comment to someone else. sorry

  5. why are they being do vague? why not mention is it pork or not? because as we know there is other animal sources than Pigs!

  6. They're being vague because they want us to think that's ok sometimes so they wouldn't lose money from the Muslim community buying their snacks. I have checked for animal products in a lot of products and many websites are not very specific on purpose. For example, I have checked with a few different brands of vitamins but they never specified which kinds had pork and which did not. They also do not answer whether the gelatin is pork or not and say something like "the fish oil tablet contains fish" UMMM no really? lol!

  7. Im just askin is it halal or not

  8. It's a simple question is smartfood halal or haraam

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. i always buy smartfood for my kids and me today i saw ingredient has enzymes so i thing: yes is not halal also when i buy something i look u or k whenever has enzymes but in package no u onk or kosher gelatin i hope allah forgive me because eat a lot form enzyne usa

  11. I am just not gonna eat it cuz if they don't specify, Im not gonna risk it. And why can't they just make it halal if they worried about losing customers. Its not fair for Muslims that we always have to google and search for an answer when non-muslims do not have to go through this tedious process. And how come Jewish ppl have kosher even through Islam is #2 religion in the world?!?! Please companies just put a big fat label " halal or haram" on your packages that's rlly easy to see cuz this is inequitable. I want to eat cheesy produced snacks too 😭

    and lastly Im not rlly sure if sharing you opinion is haram but I'm just gonna say this is not justice 😬


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!