Thursday, March 26, 2009

Arm & Hammer Liquid Detergent

Dear Lazeena:

Thank you for contacting us recently regarding ARM & HAMMER® Liquid Laundry Detergent.

We appreciate your interest in our product.
We do have animal by-products in our detergent.


Consumer Relations Specialist

(This includes all varieties of Arm & Hammer Liquid detergents)


  1. i use an organic detergent nobyproducts alcohol neither

  2. Once again, go organic or natural and these things are not a concern and the planet thanks you a little bit too!

    BTW, I found out that the material they use in microwave popcorn bags is an extremely toxic and highly cancer productive chemical. Its purpose is to keep the butter/oil from leaking through the bag while it is popping or being held.

    So, halal or haram, no matter to me, I now go without my popcorn. (Having bad teeth it was the only type I could manage.) This fact was pointed out on a programme on deadly untested chemicals people are ingesting. During the popping, the chemical is often soaked into the treat.

  3. Thanks Lazeena! Good to know my clothes are halal smelling fresh!

  4. Halal smelling fresh? I hope you mean that you don't use Arm and Hammer then, "Beauty Junkie"

  5. Barbara, no offence, but in almost all these posts you say the same thing. We get the point, organic.. yeah.. I can't help but feel like you look down on people like me who don't use organic. I get this I know it all vibe and I know you probably don't mean to seem that way but it really does sound like it. Sorry to say.. just don't want others feelin the same way too

  6. I agree with Aliyah! There's a way to get your message across but I definitely feel like you belittle people who do otherwise.. we're all trying and all have our own opinions......

  7. Word to the wise I've been finding out just because it says organic does not mean no animal by products in the production of the item, if you live in America it's anything for a buck and bigger profit, there is little truth in advertising and the FDA and other regulatory agencies are all padded with large corporate companies former employees that will not lift a finger to make sure the products they sell are what they advertise or safe for humanity or the earth. It's a shame these larger corporations do not have enough sense to produce strictly halal product lines for the immense section of the population that wants them and even non Muslim eco and health conscious consumers that are a growing number, it seems to me if one of them would be able to jump out in front and declare all their products would conform to hala standards they would corner the market ahead of everybody, you'd think the Saudis or someone with the investment dollars would have already started a company or bought am existing company and converted their processing and manufacturing over to meet halal standard by now, I guess buying yachts and super cars are more important.


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!