Monday, February 23, 2009

Herbal Essences

Thank you for contacting Herbal Essences.

The alcohol used in our products is a moisturizing alcohol, also known as fatty alcohol. It may be listed on the label as cetyl, stearyl, myristal, behenyl, or ethel. Fatty alcohol can come from a number of sources such as petroleum, coconut oil, or animal tallow (beef or pork).

All of our products may or may not contain animal by-products, depending on what ingredient source was available at the time of manufacture. The ingredients used may be derived from a variety of vegetable sources or animal sources (typically beef or pork). Ingredients that may be derived from animals are fatty alcohols, fragrance, gelatin, glycerin, hydrolyzed collagen, keratin amino acids, and tallow glycerides. Clairol/P&G uses vegetable sources whenever possible!

The Consumer Relations Team

Unfortunately for us, whenever possible isn't good enough. We never know when something has vegetable derivatives or pork derivatives in it. On top of that, since they use both, the machinery is obviously mixed - causing contamination anyway.

"Clairol/P&G uses vegetable sources whenever possible!" what the..?! Everything they listed, which is like half of what's on the bottle's ingredients, are from animals! Thanks, but no thanks. Really, I buy whatever shampoos on sale. The best venue with shampoo if you're really looking for stunning, healthy hair... is something all natural. These shampoos contain all types of weird things. A lot of them have ingredients that cause build up on your hair and causes problems in the long run. Use these salon type shampoos sparingly.

Some people feel since it's just used on hair it doesn't matter.

Please remember this blog is for informational purposes and if you follow that opinion or not is up to you :)


  1. That is really really frustrating to hear. So which hair care products are OK to use then? I actually e-mailed herbal essences today and asked them the same thing. Do you know of any halal shampoos then?

  2. That is so disgusting!!! Haram or not, who wants that in their hair to make it LOOK healthy. All that stuff is junk for your hair! Thanks for the info even though I love the smell of their shampoos lmao

  3. I have used Herbal Essences shampoos, conditioners, and hair coloring products and I am struggling to get my hair to it's healthiest again. Thanks for the info.

  4. That explains a lot. You're righ to say to use these kind of shampoos sparingly. I used both Pantene and Herbal Essences for a while and both damaged my hair. Sure my hair is soft and shiney, but I have bad split ends and brittle hairs. An all natural shampoo is much better for you. My aunt has been giving my cousin all natural food and body products since childhood and she has the moth beautiful luscious hair mashaa Allah. I used to think it was obsessive but she is so healthy, and my aunt too, and their skin and everything is so crystal clear I'm trying to go all natural and organic too.

  5. and i just bought a whole lot too cus it was on sale. but i will finish it not to waste it and then move onto something else inshallah, thanks

  6. Might I suggest instead of using this crud, most of which is to be boycotted due to their support of the Zionist cause, one go with good organic products. That gets rid of the problem of animal products completely almost always. AND you are not absorbing unhealthy chemicals. AND if you shop properly you are not supporting the satanic cause of the Zionists.

    Clairol, Redkin, Garnier, L'Oreal, are almost all to be boycotted. But in America there are many good organic companies, especially from the West Coast. The same goes to body care creams and so on. It may cost a little more, but it is so much better on so many levels.

  7. Thanks a lot.
    I ask for forgiveness from Allah The Almighty.

    I ban myself from these products manufactured in factories. No One Knows if alcohol is no mentioned....

    My Islam is more important to me...

    I will not go in to details... Any type of alcohol means NO....

  8. salam, i would like to say thank you as your blog really helps in choosing the products that I wanted to use. I have thought of using herbal essences before, but not now, after reading bout it. anyway, i just want to ask, have you ever e- mailed himalaya herbal healthcare before? i've e mailed them, but hasn't received their reply regarding the anti-dandruff shampoo. I thought of using it but I wanted to know the ingredients used in making the shampoo. just wanna know if you have any info bout the shampoo.thanks!


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!