Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pork in Ragu Pasta Sauces

I always avoid any sauces with cheese in it, because most likely it would be parmesan cheese, which is usually haram. However, some people seem to be not so hardcore in that field.

Ragu responded to an email I sent them saying that most of the cheeses used in their sauces are pork derived cheeses! They said that if any of the sauces say CHEESE in the ingredients, then its best to assume there is pork in it. I guess it's also safe to say any of these sauces containing RENNET or WHEY would then most likely be pork derived.

Their webpage does not contain an ingredients list, otherwise I would have sifted through those and just listed which ones are specifically haram and which ones arent... but I guess that leaves us then with some investigation-type work to do when we're ready to pull some Ragu off the shelf at the market.

So remember - No Ragu with meat flavor (doi!), cheese, rennet, or whey inshaAllah.

Here is the email I received:

Hello Lazeena,

Thanks for writing!

Ragu Sauces do not contain animal or animal derived ingredients unless listed on label, e.g., cheese, cream, etc. The label may also specify that the product is flavored with "beef" or "meat" . The "Meat" is always beef. However, the cheese in products may be produced using ingredients derived from pork. As such, you must check each label. If the product contains cheese, then you must assume it contains a pork derivative.

We hope this information is helpful in assisting you to make the right decisions!

Kind regards,
Your friends at Ragu


  1. Euuwww! I never liked those sauces anyway - glad I never bought it!

  2. haha, I'm not stuck to a particular brand alhamdulillah, I just buy whatevers on sale! lol!

  3. can you tell me which cheezes are halal? Like is there particular brands and stuff. I have just come to know, actually from your blog, that cheeze can be derived from animal enzymes and fat (may Allah forgive my ignorance)...but do you think you can help me with this?

    Thank A LOT sis :)!

  4. I'll try to find out major cheese brands. From what I know most of them are haram. Can you list a few brands?
    I buy Amerian cheese from a halal meat provider, they make their own cheese. 1 brand is Cabot Cheese, their cheeses are vegan so they're good alhamdulillah. I dont know if they carry them in your area, but they made a wide rang of varieties.

  5. NiDa: A sister I know told me that goat cheeses are halal, when I told her that I'd just discovered the rennet thing.

  6. ASA Uhkti,
    This is a little bit off the subject, but I was wondering does the dye yellow number 5/6 come from pork? Bye the way, masha'Allah this is a great blog!! Really useful!!!!

  7. Oh wow! I didn't know about this whole halal or haram cheese thing. I love cheese :(

  8. Oh and the above explanations excludes anything PIGGI! meaning not even like.0000000000000000001 % is allowed if it's pig content because that is just HARAM PERIOD!

  9. Nida, but its different with food. of course the food content changed, why else would they add this beef then? it would serve no purpose if it didnt change or do something. plus i spoke to a person who works in a marshmallow company and they said that for example pig gelatin, it doesnt change chemically when put into a process, so then its the same to say about beef and other things. i mean just cuz its pig doesnt mean we just stay away from that. not dhabiha beef doesnt make it 'okayer' to eat. haram is haram. i know islam is easy and askin these ppl if their stuff is ok or not is hella easy,so there is no excuse. ppl not askin is bein lazy if u ask me. im sorry to say, but there are many alternatives we are fortunate. its so simple, like if we'll die without cheese lolz, its battling the nafs. lets not be weaklings here is jus food!

    1. Alhamdulillah...

    2. Nida I read ur message I am Manger Supermarket and search mostly food item ingredients u watch Galgate imp toothpaste and carefully watch cellulose totally haram

  10. Oh no!! I love ragu! Time to get a new favorite inshAllah!!!

  11. I also spoke with Ragu and they said that they could not confirm 100% that any of their products do not contain ingredients from animals so I guess we should avoid all Ragu pasta products...

  12. Assalmu Alaikum! =) Jazakillah for sharing this! =) Have you found out about ragu pizza sauce?

  13. I called the Ragu people (unilever)
    they said that the Ragu Six cheese may contain animal derived products including Lamb, calf or baby goat

  14. according to Imam Abu Hanifa, we are allowed to eat the cheese made from Non Zabihah animals.

    1. ...and where did the Great Imam RA say this?! What Fiqh book so you refer? I have been Hanafi since I was 15 years old... From what source brother?


  15. Alhamdulillah, what a great website, it just answered all my questions

  16. What about cheese cultures.are they allowed?

  17. Aoa is that Ragu Pizza Sauce halal??? Would be great if any one let me know


As salaamu alaikum and thanks for visiting. You're most welcoe to share your thoguhts. BUT before any halal/haram debate breaks out I ask of you to refer to the first post on this blog. JazakumAllahu kharyan!